
SCPI Commands

class TypePyCls[source]

TypePy commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get() EnrType[source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:CORRection:ENR:CALibration:TYPE
value: enums.EnrType = driver.applications.k30NoiseFigure.sense.correction.enr.calibration.typePy.get()

This command selects the type of noise source you are using for the calibration.


type_py: DIODe Selects a noise source with diode characteristics. RESistor Selects a noise source with resistor characteristics. When you select this noise source type, the application automatically selects the manual measurement mode (see [SENSe:]CONFigure:CONTrol) . SMARt Selects a smart noise source.

set(type_py: EnrType) None[source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:CORRection:ENR:CALibration:TYPE
driver.applications.k30NoiseFigure.sense.correction.enr.calibration.typePy.set(type_py = enums.EnrType.DIODe)

This command selects the type of noise source you are using for the calibration.

param type_py

DIODe Selects a noise source with diode characteristics. RESistor Selects a noise source with resistor characteristics. When you select this noise source type, the application automatically selects the manual measurement mode (see [SENSe:]CONFigure:CONTrol) . SMARt Selects a smart noise source.