
SCPI Commands

class HighCls[source]

High commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get(source=Source.Default) float[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<1|2>:LIMit:HIGH
value: float = driver.source.voltage.power.limit.high.get(source = repcap.Source.Default)

This command defines the maximum current or voltage that may be supplied by the Vsupply source.

param source

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Power’)


voltage: numeric value The type of value depends on whether you control the output in terms of current or voltage (method RsFswp.Source.Voltage.Power.Level.Mode.set) . When you control it in terms of voltage, the value is a current (A) . When you control it in terms of current, the value is a voltage (V) . Range: 0 to 16 V or 2000 mA, Unit: V or A

set(voltage: float, source=Source.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<1|2>:LIMit:HIGH
driver.source.voltage.power.limit.high.set(voltage = 1.0, source = repcap.Source.Default)

This command defines the maximum current or voltage that may be supplied by the Vsupply source.

param voltage

numeric value The type of value depends on whether you control the output in terms of current or voltage (method RsFswp.Source.Voltage.Power.Level.Mode.set) . When you control it in terms of voltage, the value is a current (A) . When you control it in terms of current, the value is a voltage (V) . Range: 0 to 16 V or 2000 mA, Unit: V or A

param source

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Power’)