
SCPI Commands

class UpperCls[source]

Upper commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get() float[source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:ADJust:CONFigure[:HYSTeresis]:UPPer
value: float = driver.applications.k70Vsa.sense.adjust.configure.hysteresis.upper.get()

When the reference level is adjusted automatically using the [SENSe:]ADJust:LEVel command, the internal attenuators and the preamplifier are also adjusted. To avoid frequent adaptation due to small changes in the input signal, you can define a hysteresis. This setting defines an upper threshold the signal must exceed (compared to the last measurement) before the reference level is adapted automatically.


hysteresis_upper: No help available

set(hysteresis_upper: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:ADJust:CONFigure[:HYSTeresis]:UPPer
driver.applications.k70Vsa.sense.adjust.configure.hysteresis.upper.set(hysteresis_upper = 1.0)

When the reference level is adjusted automatically using the [SENSe:]ADJust:LEVel command, the internal attenuators and the preamplifier are also adjusted. To avoid frequent adaptation due to small changes in the input signal, you can define a hysteresis. This setting defines an upper threshold the signal must exceed (compared to the last measurement) before the reference level is adapted automatically.

param hysteresis_upper

Range: 0 dB to 200 dB, Unit: dB